Clemes and Clemes

Drum carders are a more versatile tool than most people realize being capable of creating multiple styles of both woolen and semi-worsted preparation. Unlock you (and your drum carder’s) potential in this action-packed fiber prep primer for beginners and seasoned fiber artists. This demonstration will cover the tools that can help make drum carding more efficient as well as how to make batts, rolags, and carded sliver.

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Clemes & Clemes is a father and son duo making innovative, generational fiber art equipment in the San Francisco Bay Area since 1970. A lifelong woodworker and small business owner, Henry has been building fiber art equipment for over 50 years. Roy grew up in his family’s woodshop and is president of Lambtown Festival. Together they have introduced many innovations to the fiber arts community and their equipment is known for being not only thoughtfully engineered but visually pleasing and durable as well. They regularly consult and instruct spinners, felters, fiber producers, and professional fiber artists on fiber preparation for hand spinning.