Joan Ruane: First a professional teacher and then a spinner, Joan Ruane has been teaching spinning classes throughout the U.S., Canada, UK, Australia, and New Zealand since 1980. Active in local and regional Guilds, she has also owned and operated fiber shops in both Florida and Arizona. Joan has published cotton newsletters, written articles for fiber magazines and has published three DVD: Cotton Spinning Made Easy, Cotton Spinning With A Takli, and Spinning with Hemp. She has republished Hand Spinning Cotton by Harry and Olive Linder, bringing it up to date with modern techniques. Her published workbook is called “Beginning Cotton Spinning on the Wheel” and it, and her DVD’s can be streamed through Many “You Tubes” have helped teach cotton spinning to spinners around the world. Joan’s web site is:
Lecture: History and Importance of Hemp to Our Planet
May 3, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. Pacific. during the guild meeting
Non-guild members are welcome
An online presentation via Zoom
Description: This lecture includes a history of hemp, information about the actual plant, what happened to it for 50 years and why it is so important to our world today. Includes a short Power Point presentation and question and answer time.