Jennie Hawkey – October 2023

Lecture: A Textile Tour of Florence and Perugia October 4, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. Pacific. during the guild meeting

Non-guild members are welcome, please send a message to Ellen for an invitation.

An online presentation via Zoom

Description: Jennie Hawkey will describe the process of designing a pattern and weaving on a Jacquard loom, plus give us a view of Florence and its surroundings.



Jennie Hawkey is a weaver and weaving teacher. She has woven for over 30 years and specializes in accessories that incorporate intricate weaves, natural fibers and vivid colors. From handbags to scarves to reproductions of vintage pincushions, her handwoven creations are both beautiful and practical.  Jennie finds weaving to be endlessly fascinating and a wonderful creative outlet.

Lecture: A Textile Tour of Florence and Perugia 

October 4, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. Pacific. during the guild meeting

Non-guild members are welcome, please send a message to Ellen for an invitation.

An online presentation via Zoom

Description: Jennie Hawkey loves to travel, weave, and she loves Italy!  What could be more perfect than a tour that includes learning to weave on an antique Jacquard loom in Florence, Italy?  In this travelogue she will describe the process of designing a pattern and weaving on a Jacquard loom, plus give us a view of this beautiful city and its surroundings.